Stian Klasbu


Hello internet!

This is my new blog. On this blog I will write about my coding, tinkering projects and share my thoughts on technology.

A bit about me and my journey

These recent years I have spent more and time on technology. During this previous spring and summer, while I was finishing my master thesis (which I will come back to), I made a big decision: I want to work as a developer.

I have always been interested in technology. Ever since I was a kid - and destroyed my families computer - I have been toying with digital technology in one way or another. Despite this strong interest, I didn't really dive into real programming until two/three years ago. Since then, my interest has been growing exponentially.

This summer I finally made the big step, when I applied to SALT, School of Applied Technology, in Stockholm. Despite a huge number of applicants (around 1500), I got in! Now, after three intense months of full-time bootcamp in Stockholm, I am getting ready to start work as a consultant for SALT. I plan to write more about my bootcamp experience and my coding journey at some later point - but for now, here is my new blog!


I created this blog to have a place to share my projects, experiences and thoughts as a developer and tinkerer. Internet offers a tons of places to share text and images, but I wanted a place where I could do this on my own premises and without any obstacles. I hope that my blog can be of help or inspiration to whomever may comes across it! Feel free to share your thoughts and feedback.

Last modified 28. 12. 2020.